Achieved: Job Submission from Adobe Premiere Pro

Hi Thinkbox developers,

I’ve achieved sending a Deadline Job submission directly from Adobe Premiere Pro to AME plugin. (from windows platform)

I’ve developed a Adobe CEP extension with html, javascript, jsx and nodejs features and using PowerShell Net. Core edition to submit the job using deadline.dll library.

Also, as AME web console has a parameter that accepts the Sequence GUID to be rendered, I’ve modified the Deadline AME plugin to accept this parameter, so I can export a specific sequence from Premiere through AME.

About AME presets, they should be exported as presets and copy them to a specific folder. We can select with which preset we want to export from that folder.

I’ve uploaded a video to show you the implementation. If you want to have this quick implementation, please contact me. It would be great if you make this implementation more profesional and packetized and add it to Deadline package.

This is the video link:


Thanks for creating the solution and sharing this video. It will be very helpful for the customers who are using same workflow.

Can you share the plugin/submission scripts here too? That will help someone looking for actual scripts and I will also make a feature request for it and attach those as workaround in our internal tool.

Here’s guidance on contributing to Deadline Source Code: Source Code Contributions for AWS Thinkbox

Thanks Zainali,

I have uploaded what I have at this moment

Need to move to another project so I wont have time to make this “quick” plugin (I did it in 5 days) in a more correct way to contribute, but I hope it can give you a way to implement a better and more complete solution in Deadline.

This is the README file included in the compressed file:

Tested in:
  - Windows 10
  - Deadline 10.1
  - Adobe Premiere Pro CC 23.5
  - Adobe Media Encoder CC 23.5

Uncompress the ZIP file into %APPDATA%\Adobe\CEP\extensions.

Premiere2Deadline folder contains:

 - Deadline_Modified_Files folder: 
       - Modified Deadline AME Submission plugin that adds a visual attribute for Sequence GUIDs. 
         You should copy file to DeadlineRepository\scripts\Submission folder. Make backup first of current file.
       - Modified Deadline AME Plugin that reads SequenceGUID parameter and sent it to AME Web console.
         You should uncompress into DeadlineRepository\plugins folder. Make backup first of MediaEncoder subfoler.

 - tools folder:
       - Contains PowerShell script that talks with Deadline DLL libraries with PowerShell 7.3.6 downloaded from:

 - Different CEP Extension folders for HTMLs, Javascript libs, JSX libs, some nodejs modules, etc

Note: Not all deadline submission parameters are implemented in the CEP extension (html), but it should be easy to do it.

Best regards

And a last note:

The powershell script is not digitally signed, so the workstations that submits the jobs from Premirere should change a policy to let it be executed.

And the last note. If the CEP extension doesnt load, because its not digitalled signed, you should enabled in the registry debug flags for CEP extensions

regedit > HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Adobe/CSXS.9, then add a new entry PlayerDebugMode of type "string" with the value of "1".