Add an extra -preRenderScript for Toon Boom Harmony

Is there a way to add somehow an extra -preRenderScript to the Harmony submission? Without touching the current -preRenderScript made by Deadline for Harmony. I would also like to run my own script before.

Looking at the plugin for Harmony at “[repo]/plugins/Harmony”, it looks like we don’t support additional arguments for the “-preRenderScript”.

Does Harmony support multiple instances of that flag? I can show you how to edit the script to add additional arguments. If you read the plugin it’s not overly complex.

I just tested today, looks like also Harmony doesn’t support instances of that flag. If you could show me how and where you think I could add the additional arguments I think that would be the best solution.


Well, the tricky part is that Deadline uses that flag itself to load and control Harmony.

The code that builds it can be found in “[repo]\plugins\Harmony\” in the RenderArgument() function. You’ll see that we’re using a C# StringBuilder class (a no-no these days in the API) which may look a little alien, but it’s easy to see what it’s up to.

To run your own scripts, I’d write some Python and inject it alongside what we’re calling here. The files in the “Harmony” folder will be synced over, so you can include external script files if that cleans up your code.