Add easier access to priority, Feature request

I think it would be easier for us if we had an exterior button that would let us change the priority of the jobs(it would be way faster when you have to change a lot of jobs).
For example a “±” button to go up and down with a small “empty case” where you can enter the priority number on the toolbar.
This way we don’t have to go into each job properties and change it one by one.
(Maybe for pools and group too).

It has never been necessary to change properties one by one. All versions of Deadline let you select any number of jobs, open the Properties dialog and change any properties including Priority to the same value at once.

It takes two mouse clicks to select a range of jobs, Ctrl+P to open the dialog, one more click to select the Priority, and one click to hit OK. Property names that have been changed switch to bold font and when you press OK, the change is applied to all selected jobs. If Cancel is pressed, the changes are discarded.

It does not mean I don’t like your idea for bumping the Priority of a range of jobs up and down relatively to their original values, but this is very specific, while the above mechanism applies to any common properties incl. Pools and Groups.
This applies even to the Frame Range which is a separate dialog.

I guess having a set of controls in the Property dialog next to Priority to enter a relative change instead of an absolute one (like “+10” or “-5”) would be useful and is probably the core of your wish… Or allowing a special character in the numeric field (like in 3ds Max where entering r10 increases a property relatively by 10 units) to do this without adding more controls… I guess “+10” and “-10” would be a possible way to express relative changes in numeric fields when performing mass changes?

Well the fact that you can go and select many jobs and change their priority all together was not the problem.
In your process you had to do 3 steps to change the job priority, its not a problem when you are changing one time or 2 times, but it becomes really annoying when you have to do it 10 times.
And when i say 10 times i mean each job with a different priority: Because for example the client wishes to see this before this…and originally the jobs were sent with the same priority(because we didn’t know), this was one example out of many, there are many reason why sometimes we need to change the priorities of several jobs.

Ok, I can see how a dedicated Priority changer dialog could be useful for fast “select>increase, select>decrease, select>set” workflows with less clicks.
I will leave it to the actual Deadline developers to discuss whether this could be added… :wink:

Back in Deadline 5, we had a job script that did this with the priority, and it is in our plans to port it to Deadline 6.


  • Ryan

Found it in 5.x, “Offset Priority”. We could extend it to support both relative and absolute Priority, so you don’t have to go to another place to set the absolute values…
Also, it would be cool to have an Apply button so it does not close after each change.

EDIT: I made those changes locally and it is much better now. :slight_smile:

Yeah it would be nice if it was part of the toolbar by default.