Does anyone know how to add a scroll bar to the job submit UI? At the moment I am having to use scriptControl.AddGroupBox()
A multiline control will automatically display a scroll-bar when necessary.
Monitor -> Scripts -> Misc -> Script UI Example
[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2017-07-18 at 09.29.50.png[/attachment]
Hey Mike, thanks for getting back to me. I had thought about the multi file approach, but was not entirely sure it was appropriate for the problem I have.We have never had more than 30 shots before to slate and concatenate, so it hasn’t been a problem. This current show has 70+, and although I can at least collapse the group and get to the submit button, it would be great to be able to get to the shots > 45 to amend any frame ranges or slate info. Yes, I could group in sets of 10, but surely a UI scroll is neater?
ok, gotcha. If you remove the groupbox and add all the controls to a UI grid, it should present a scroll-bar. I need to check.
They are/were already using AddControlToGrid(“ButtonControl”, LabelControl", "TextControl, etc).
Hey Mike, in the mean time i’ve added a bit of crude code to keep us going, so no hurry. Cheers.
groupSize = 20
shotNumbers = range(jobCount+1)
shotGroups = [ shotNumbers[i:i+groupSize] for i in range(1, jobCount+1, groupSize) ]
for group in shotGroups:
scriptDialog.AddGroupBox( "GroupBox4", "Shots %s-%s" % (group[0], group[-1]), True )
for shot in group:
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'ShotBox%s' % shot, "TextControl", '', shot+10, 0,)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'VersionListBox%s' % shot, "TextControl", "", shot+10, 1, colSpan=4)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'TakeListBox%s' % shot, "TextControl", '', shot+10, 5,)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'FrameRangeListBox%s' % shot, "TextControl", "", shot+10, 6,)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'AudioFileListBox%s' % shot, "TextControl", "", shot+10, 7, colSpan=4)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'IDListBox%s' % shot, "ReadOnlyTextControl", "", shot+10, 11, colSpan=2)
scriptDialog.AddControlToGrid( 'OutFileListBox%s' % shot, "ReadOnlyTextControl", "", shot+10, 13, colSpan=7)
scriptDialog.EndGroupBox( True )
I’ll add a RFE for QScrollArea support in our Scripting UI. However, as we inherit from PyQt, you can implement a custom UI directly yourself today.
Here’s a quick and dirty example for you:
[code]import sys
from System.IO import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
import PyQt5.QtCore, PyQt5.QtWidgets, PyQt5.QtGui
dialog = None
Custom QDialog with some basic controls.
class CustomQtDialog(QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super( CustomQtDialog, self ).__init__( parent )
#set the main layout as a vertical one
self.mainLayout = QVBoxLayout()
self.setLayout( self.mainLayout )
self.myGroupBox = QGroupBox('this is my groupbox')
myform = QFormLayout()
labellist = []
combolist = []
for i in range(30):
labellist.append( QLabel('mylabel') )
combolist.append( QComboBox() )
myform.addRow( labellist[i],combolist[i] )
self.myGroupBox.setLayout( myform )
scroll = QScrollArea()
scroll.setWidget( self.myGroupBox )
scroll.setWidgetResizable( True )
scroll.setFixedHeight( 400 )
# Close button
self.buttonLayout = QHBoxLayout()
self.closeButton = QPushButton( "Close" )
self.buttonLayout.addWidget( self.closeButton )
self.mainLayout.addLayout( self.buttonLayout )
#hook up the button signals to our slots
self.closeButton.clicked.connect( self.closeButtonPressed )
@pyqtSlot( bool )
def closeButtonPressed( self, checked ):
self.done( 0 )
Main Function Called By Deadline
def main():
global dialog
#Create an instance of our custom dialog, and show it
dialog = CustomQtDialog()
dialog.setVisible( True )[/code] (1.26 KB)
Awesome, thanks Mike. I have been avoiding it for far too long, but it looks like I will have to finally retire Tkinter and take the plunge in to PyQt.
Turns out there is a way to do this easily. The property was added quietly by another developer a little while ago and I simply hadn’t noticed it in the docs! Seven curses to the gods of the new world and the old. Oops. Too much GoT this week. … 7884fe77eb
So, when you add a TabPage and you need it to be scrollable:
scriptDialog.AddTabPage( "Conform Stack", True )
Well that was easy!