Adding Blender versions to deadline

Hi Team!
This is my first ticket in the forum. Thanks first at all for attend it.
I’d like to add Versions to Blender Plugin, as it’s already done for Nuke, Mantra or many others Plugins.
The difference is that Blender has just one version by default in Deadline.
I’ve seen how to edit .param file to add versions to Deadline Monitor and setup executables. I see too how on scripts/submission .py file must there be these different options added.
But I have some troubles to get the info from the submitter to enable deadline to choose the proper version for rendering based on the Blender version that launched the task.
It’s possible to do with no nightmare?
Thanks in advace for the help!


That sould be fairly easy to implement. You’d need the submitter to write the version into the plugin info file (assuming the submitter uses the info file approach).

You can get blenders version from Then just add a key/value pair like "Version = " +=

Then on execution the plugin needs to check that parameter and choose the corresponding executable.

I don’t know blenders submitter but if that isn’t enough to help you get there feel free to ask and i’ll have a look at it.

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Hi Kevin!
Thanks for your answer. It’s a good tip to keep on working on it. I’ll try to locate blender submitter to add and get version key.
If I feel locked again I’ll report again on this thread.
All the best!

Good, I’m stuck here too, I’m pretty much a novice at this.

Does someone find a solution on this ?

We need to quickly switch from 2.93 to 3.2 and now it’s very complicated to fully switch the whole renderfarm from one version to another…

best regards.

Hi, I’m sorry but I don’t have a clue on how to do it.
Could you write the code strings and where to insert them? I’m trying to do this on 3.3 and 3.4

Hi everybody, Recently i have been working on it and actually I needn’t to add versions but a new plugin, since what I need to separate was Blender Octane version.
I cloned from plugin Blender (plugin, submission and scripts/submission) the code and modified the calls and functions to get it working.
I have not explored about subversions further than create the menu and executables in .param config file.
But it’s something that we’ll need too.
I hope at least this helps!

it doesn’t help much (I’ve tried but it doesn’t want to verify the version being the same) but it’s nice that other people are trying to build these new files and hopefullly share with the community later on.
Have a good day!

I’ll see what I can do if I have time this week.

Hi I’m a bit late to the discussion but today I was looking for this answer and didn’t get far, so I modified the code and now versions in blender works well :slight_smile:

I didn’t find an up to date Deadline Repository but feel free to download the files from mine and just follow the instructions, it’s basically copy/paste.

Hope it helps.


Hi Esteban!!
Thanks for the update and follow up! I’ll test it asap!

All the best!

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Hey Javier, let me know if you need something, as far as I saw in the code you should be able to render from Octane natively the blender version was the only thing that was an issue, but regardless you can use my example to transfer more custom data from Blender to the Deadline external plugin.