I’m trying to automate the Render to Texture option via Deadline, but I can’t find any reference in how we add objects to the Bake list via maxscript.
In the SMTD submitter, you can add/remove and clear objects to bake.
Can those options be called in a script? I would ideally like it to clear all objects on the script run, then add the selected ones and send to be processed on the farm.
Can you please first confirm the Deadline version you are using? The Bake To Texture UI changed in Deadline 10 (it is now accessed via a separate Workflow option in SMTD).
If you are running Deadline 10, take a look at the file
In short, a global variable ::SMTD_objsToBake is set to an array of the objects to bake. It is obviously expected that these objects have been set up for baking using the Render To Texture dialog of 3ds Max. You also need to set SMTDSettings.IsBakeJob = true to enable the submission as a bake job. And you can set SMTDSettings.BakeJobOneObjectPerTask to true or false depending on your needs.