Adding support for After Effects 2018 (at your own risk)

Now that After Effects 2018 is out, I am curious if it will work the the current Deadline ( I did not see official support in the release notes, so I expect that will come in a later update. But you guys have been able to direct me to tweaks in the past that sometimes let me run renders ahead of the supported release.

It won’t work currently, but the dev team is looking into this one.

In the mean time, you can try and pilot it yourself by teaching Deadline where the current version lives. First, figure out the major.minor version number (in the about box, it should be 15.0).

Then you’ll need to add it to “[repo]/plugins/AfterEffects/AfterEffects.param”. If it is 15.0 it’ll look like this:

Label=After Effects CC 2018 Render Executable
Category=Render Executables
Default=C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2018\Support Files\aerender.exe;/Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2018/aerender
Description=The path to the After Effects CC 2018 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

It may not work, but that’ll be a good start.

This worked for me.

I did update the Index to be Index=9 as 2017 was was to 8 already.


Good catch! Updated the example there.

Changed the title so it jumps out to more people. Added as “(at your own risk)” as there may be edge cases and we haven’t tested ourselves yet. A big thing to look for is a lack of progress reporting, that’s an example of one of those benign unexpected things that can break.

Thanks for the info. I will give it a try.