Additive Density Alpha?

Didn’t see it posted anywhere else…

When I select additive density, I don’t get an alpha channel in the rendered image. …?

This is by design. Additive density means that each particle just adds more colour to the image, without occluding anything behind it. That’s the same thing an image with a black alpha channel does, so having a black alpha channel is the most consistent thing to do.

Using volumetric density with a really low density is analogous to additive density, so if you want an alpha channel with additive-like rendering, you might try that.



Thanks! I was just curious if this was intentional. …I guess I’m also curious to see how well it will comp using a luma key… should be fine. I’ll just have to play with it.

I noticed that with the volumetric density so If I do absolutely need an alpha for that effect then that’s probably the way I’d do it.

Thanks Again!