I was trying to find documentation for Ember Magma ops, but either I missed that or they are not there yet.
Particularily I wanted to understand how to use Advect.
My understanding is that when I have a static vector field, I can use advect and steps to animate it over time.
More particularily, I have a verctor noise that I use to drive particles around pretty like in one of your first videos.
The field is static though and I wanted to add a bit of live iterating it over time.
Should I use advection for that? Or I should do it the other way?
The Advect operator performs advection of a given field by a Velocity field, BUT you don’t really need to do this 99.9% of the time. There might be cases where this is useful, but I haven’t encountered one myself yet.
SIM Ember itself performs the advection of every field defined in the Initial and/or Simulation Magma flow using whatever Velocity field you have defined. This is done implicitly and there isn’t even a way not to advect right now, but we are considering adding an option to mark fields for advection or not in future builds.
So all you need to do is define one Velocity field (either static by setting it in the Initial State flow, or changing over time by setting it in the Simulation flow) and one or more Scalar or Vector fields. As you step through the simulation, the latter fields will be advected by the Velocity field automatically.