AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

AE 2024 submitter error

Hi All!
We have a mac studio (m1) at our office and unfortunately the ae submitter doesn’t work for some strange reason.
we have a mostly win based farm but there are 3 mac’s in the office that we would like to use too. we also use c4d for 3d work and the c4d submitter work fine on the same machine ( Although for some reason it can’t render 3d jobs, but that’s separate issue)

When running the submitter script file we get the following error pop-up message. ( before the submission windows even opens)

The SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx scropt could not be found in the deadline repository

The machine is connected to the repo, as the monitor works fine.
the DEADLINE_PATH file is in it’s correct location and contains the correct path to the
AE prefs has the scripts from network location running enabled.
I don’t understand why there are two resources folder in the first path description but this is the submissicion script that comes with the installer.

We’re really stumped what could be the issue with this.
Anyone has any tips it would be highly appreciated.

See attached screenshot.

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