AE App Submission error? illegal character?

See attached jpeg showing issue with limit groups/dependencies in AE client submisison JSX code:

I did nothing out of the ordinary except select 1 limit group and hit “OK” to the dialog.
Selecting multiple limit groups, makes the 2 illegal characters always appear at the end of the limit group list.
Same issue for dependencies as well.

Hey Mike,

Good catch! This is actually an easy fix. Go to \your\repository\submission\AfterEffects and open SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx in a text editor. Look for these two lines:

var newValue = callDeadlineCommand( "-selectlimitgroups \"" + origValue + "\"" );
var newValue = callDeadlineCommand( "-selectdependencies \"" + origValue + "\"" );

Replace them with these lines, respectively:

var newValue = callDeadlineCommand( "-selectlimitgroups \"" + origValue + "\"" ).replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" );
var newValue = callDeadlineCommand( "-selectdependencies \"" + origValue + "\"" ).replace( "\n", "" ).replace( "\r", "" );

That will fix the problem for now, and we’ll include this fix in the next release.


  • Ryan