AE framerange problem

We are experiencing some weird problems concerning the frame-range, when submitting from after effects (cs 5.5) to deadline:
Having multiple compositions with differing lengths in the render queue, we found some of the frame-ranges in the deadline jobs are shiftet by -1 frame.
So a sequence with the range 250-500 gets a renderjob with the frame range 249-499…

Every comp in the render queue has the same output format, a smiliar source, location- and format-wise, as well as a very similar output path.
Out of 20 jobs, 4 had the wrong frame range, when the jobs appeared in deadline monitor.
No effects were applied. some of the comps had time remapping on them, some did not. I did not found any similarity between the comps. The error is reproduceable.
In the attached file, the comps marked red in the render queue did get an offset. we are using deadline v5.1.0.45970R


Timor (1.45 MB)

Hey Timor,

Thanks for reporting this! We’ll download your test project and try to reproduce.


  • Ryan

Hey Timor,

We were able to reproduce the problem, and it appears to be a rounding error. We were always “flooring” our frame calculations, but it looks like AE rounds to the closest integer. When we switched to rounding, it looked like everything was submitted properly. We’ve attached the updated script here.

To test, go to \your\repository\submission\AfterEffects and make a backup of SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx. Then unzip the attached file to the same folder. Then relaunch the submitter in AE and give it a go.


Hey Ryan,

it works now…