AE Overwriting Files

Today we started testing rendering After Effects using Deadline. We’re having some troubles with the output.

We’ve tested using task group sizes of 5 and 10, and in both instances only the firts 5 (or 10) frames are written. All the other frames are then written over top of those first frames.

I haven’t been able to find anyone else with this same problem, so I’m assuming there is some setting that I’ve over looked. The render settings in the After Effects project are set to Skip Existing Files, so in theory it shouldn’t be overwriting them.

Tell me what I’m doing wrong.

In the comp’s Output Module Settings, make sure that the “Use Comp Frame Number” checkbox is checked. Check out step 1 here for complete details:


Ryan Russell

Frantic Films Software


I guess I totally skipped over that part of the manual.

Thanks. Works fine now.