When submitting to Deadline from AE using the “Submit Selected Layers” function, the render queue MUST not already contain any render queue comp outputs which are the same as the name Deadline uses to creates its render output name. ie: If a user creates a render output within AE and calls it “MASTER_COMP” and does a bit of local rendering…and then submits to Deadline using the “Submit Selected Layers” feature, then a duplicate render queue output operator is created in the AE project file which is submitted to Deadline. As we include our AE project file with the submission…if you open up the AE project file after submission and look at “7” (the render queue window) it contains 2 render queue output operators in the window.
During network processing, this causes the tasks/jobs to process and return as “complete”…the sub directories are created, but NO output footage is created. No error reports, but the log reports back the following:
0: INFO: Startup Directory: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files"
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: aerender version 9.0x346
0: WARNING: After Effects warning: The name of an output module for this render item is already in use.
0: STDOUT: WARNING:After Effects warning: The name of an output module for this render item is already in use.
0: STDOUT: PROGRESS: Total Time Elapsed:
0: INFO: Process exit code: 0
0: Render time for frames: 54.594 s
0: Total time for task: 57.347 s
So…can we do 2 things?
- Flag the tasks as “failed” and return this error report in the future?
0: ERROR: After Effects warning: The name of an output module for this render item is already in use.
0: ERROR: WARNING:After Effects warning: The name of an output module for this render item is already in use.
and also…(and more helpful…)
2. Can we put a submission warning in place that flags to the artist before submission that they need to clear out any duplicate names in their render queue based on what “name” Deadline is about to use to create its render queue output? Or alternatively, can Deadline ALWAYS create a UNIQUE render queue output name? random name generator? like the deadline job ID?