AE Submission Wrong Layer in "selected Layer"

I chose “Render Selected Layers” and it rendered “BlahBlahBlah.wav” instead of the actual selected layer “Blipitty bloop” the precomp. I have no idea why it picked the random wav file in the project to be the “selected layer” to render.

Hey Gavin,

Can you send over a simple scene where this is replicated, and perhaps a screenshot of the settings used to submit? Thanks.

I think I “Solved” it. It doesn’t just submit the selected comp in the projects folder, it literally submits the selected layer in a comp. I guess my expectations didn’t match the name or functionality. It would be nice though to have the ability to render a specific comp in the project not a specific layer in a comp.

Hello Gavin,

As far as I know both the integrated and Monitor based submitters have a line for Comp. Is this not able to do what you want?

Well the nice part of “Selected Layer” is that lets you pick custom output path names with custom comp name parsing etc. Also I don’t see a line for comp.

Ahh, yeah, I guess I was looking at an older, or perhaps beta, submitter. I will let the devs know you’d like the ability to specify a comp in the integrated submitter.