After effects and deadline - Render: File Sequence Not Found:


I’m new to deadline and we have an issue with after effects. We normally work locally with ae and our image sequences. If I submit a network render deadline job it some times struggles to find some of the images that are in the comp however. Does every thing within the comp have to be on the network?

also is it possible to use deadline with media encoder… could that resolve it?

many thanks,

2021-08-10 10:51:19: 0: STDOUT: WARNING:After Effects warning: logged one error - “error: Unable to Render: File Sequence Not Found: E:_Work_GeneralProj\COMP\COLLECTED\PF v0K folder(Footage)\Footage\Mask_front, Mask_Front[0000-5000].png.”

If it’s being reference, then yes, everything needs to be on the network so another machine rendering can access it.

Not sure if the issue is with the location not being found or the path shown.

Your log extract seems to be missing the slash after the drive letter
E:_Work_GeneralProj\COMP\COLLECTED\PF v0K folder(Footage)\Footage\Mask_front, Mask_Front[0000-5000].png
should likely be
E:\_Work_GeneralProj\COMP\COLLECTED\PF v0K folder(Footage)\Footage\Mask_front, Mask_Front[0000-5000].png

Can you confirm the path is accessible on the machine rendering?

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so I seem to have it working by giving it a full net work path for each image. :slight_smile: