We had it already in the past in version 9. An After Effects Job which includes the Saber plugin from VideoCopilot does not finish at the end of the task. All frames are rendered (Local Rendering active) and the task is stuck at 100%.
You guys fixed it the last time with a slightly customized After Effects submission script. Unfortunately, after my Upgrade to version 10 ( it is back again.
Do you have a tip what I could do to solve that. I know its a free plugin but our operators like to work with it and right now we’ve to prerender everything in order to send it to our farm.
It was a pretty hacky fix. We had problems when people would use different workflows if we killed it too soon, and the effort was pretty extensive. I would really prefer if the VC guys fixed this one, but I think my hacked fix is this:
I’m actually not sure what Video Copilot need to do, but I can definitely help them get set up with a Deadline farm for testing. I’m sure it’s not just us who are affected by this, so it’ll be worthwhile. No one has had a proper response out of them yet that I’m aware of (I tried myself) so if you can make some headway there I think the community would definitely appreciate it.
As far as the local rendering… Now we’re entering a pretty stuck thing here. The workaround is to gracefully fail the render (bail out without logging an error report) which means the PostTask job work of moving files will never be called. That’s a limitation in the core code and not something I can work around.
I wrote a request and never got a reply but honestly didn’t follow up on it.
But… we’ve recently updated the whole farm to Windows 10 (1809 / Deadline / AE 16.0.1) and I can confirm that Saber is not an issue anymore. It simply works. Would be interesting why this works out of the box in Windows 10…
Also Videocopilots Vibrance which had same issue in the past is working without a problem.
That is fantastic news! I’m really curious what exactly caused it now… I know we’ve had problems calling into things like the WMIC tools on Windows where it could pause indefinitely. I wonder if it’s related…