After Effects Deadline Submission Script Error

I have upgraded a workstation to Windows 10 Pro and now I am having trouble sending to Deadline from After Effects. We Use After Effects CC 2018 and Deadline

The Exact Error message I get is as follows:
“The SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx script could not be found in the Deadline Repository (Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80070057). Please make sure that the Deadline Client has been installed on this machine, that the Deadline Client bin folder is set in the DEADLINE_PATH environment variable, and the the Deadline Client has been configured to point to a valid Repository”

Needless to say I did all the above suggested in the error message but everything was in order. Further it did work before the upgrade to Windows 10 (From windows 7)

Another Test I did, was to logo on as a Domain Admin and I was able to submit with no problem. So it seems to be a permission issue. However I have tried to allow Full Control to the Deadline10\bin folder to the regular user account and it still does not work.

Anyone has a clever idea?

I’m surprised that the domain admin worked. When you check that DEADLINE_PATH was set, did you do it from the user’s perspective?

That is, just running echo %DEADLINE_PATH% from a command prompt to see if it’s set properly for that user. Another check would be to see if "%DEADLINE_PATH%"\deadlinecommand.exe -pools" succeeds at talking to the repository. Any command will work, -pools is just a simple one.

It might just be co-incidence, but that HRESULT: 0x80070057 error has shown up before where .NET Core dependencies were missing. But I can’t imagine that’s user specific?

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the reply. I had checked the patch from the user’s perspective indeed!

I checked the -pools command and it worked just fine… which is why I posted on the forum as I am completely stumped and don’t understand where the problem is coming from. It seems the client can talk to the repository with no issue but there is clearly an issue since I can’t submit from the After Effects.

Now another interesting test I did this morning was to try submit a job from 3ds Max and that worked just fine so it seems like it is something tied to the After Effects Submission script and not the client itself…

Any further ideas?


Oh, interesting! It’s a lame request, but if you re-install it using the manual steps from the docs here do you have better results?

In particular the ‘Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network’ checkbox is of interest in case that’s correct on the admin account but not the user.

No worries, nothing is lame at this point as the problem does not make any sense…

I did copy the file manually in a new unit of time and made sure the ‘Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network’ option was checked in AE which it was. unfortunately…no luck, the problem persists…

not sure what else to do.

Is there anything different between the two integrated submitters? Like is one of the DCCs set to run as an admin?

I’d expect all submitters to not work on the machine as opposed to just one of the two.

And could you update/install the .NET Core just to be sure?