After Effects Fail on Existing Process

Please could I add a feature request for “After Effects Fail on Existing Process”, exactly the same as the “3dsMax Fail on Existing Process” function, but for AE.
It would seem some 3rd party AE plugins don’t play nice if more than 1 instance of AE is running on the same machine, even under different user profiles at the same time…
This may be just an issue in CS5. I haven’t had a chance to test this on CS6 yet. Either way, I would still like to see this as a feature, please!

Sure Mike! We’ve added this as a feature request.


  • Ryan

This issue is really screwing me over at the moment.
I wonder if there is some way I can put a fix in place for v5.2 where AE jobs aren’t picked up by machines if they currently have an instance of AE running on any of the user accounts currently logged into a machine?
Any ideas? I don’t really want to “fail on existing process”. Ideally, I need a “skip on existing process” kind of deal…

Hey Mike,

Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that can stop a slave from picking up a specific type of job. All the logic for a plugin in contained in the plugin itself, which isn’t loaded until the job has already been dequeued by the slave. So currently, failing on an existing process is really the only option.

In Deadline 7, we want to look at making the dequeuing logic plug-able, so in theory you would be able to add an additional check to see if a process is running before dequeuing a job. Deadline 7 is still a ways of though, so that won’t help you now.


  • Ryan