After Effects Render OpenFast Error?

We’ve double checked the pathing a 100 times, but still keep getting this error:

aerender Error: After Effects error: Unable to call openFast because of parameter 1. Path is not valid. Path: S:\xxxxxxxxxx\3_ANIMATION\ARTIST\xxxx\AE\xxxx_v47_TA.aep
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(String taskId, Int32 startFrame, Int32 endFrame, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)

Read on an Adobe site that someone a couple years ago reached out to Thinkbox and told them to use .aepx suffix instead of .aep

Is there any fix for this error? Or is it stictly pathing?

This is one of those test outside of Deadline things.

Now, that error is usually when the AEP itself can’t be opened because any reliant assets usually render as a test pattern. If this is a one-off project file it may be corrupt and testing from the command line and opening AE on a render machine might be helpful if you’re not going from Mac<->Windows.

For the AEPX option, they’re talking about the “Export XML Project File” option that will save the AEP as AEPX and allow Deadline to run path mapping. Details are in the After Effects documentation.

Looks like we had 40+ clicks on the isolation links (I’ve updated the link for Deadline 10.1 docs). If you’re here and you’ve heard something from Adobe I’d be very interested in seeing it.