After Effects Submission File Missing

If I try to run SubmitAEToDeadline.jsx or the one in the client folder I get:

After Effects warning: ERROR: The System cannot find the file specified.

Unable to execute script at line 97. undefined is not an object.

tempFolder = callDeadlineCommand( "GetCurrentUserHomeDirectory" ).replace("\r","").replace("\n","") if (system.osName == "MacOS") tempFolder = tempFolder + "/temp/"; else tempFolder = tempFolder + "\\temp\\"; Folder( tempFolder ).create();

if I load up a command line and execute:
echo %DEADLINE_PATH% it gives me the correct path.

(Windows 10 x64. Deadline 8. Yes I ran the installer. Yes I checked “Allow to access network files and create files.” AE 2015.3

Hey Gavin,

Can you advise the full version of Deadline 8? Also, can you get us more data on the error? A screenshot if it’s a dialog, or a more full copy of the text if it’s a script editor? Would love to dig a bit deeper.

Solved it. I was trying to run the script from the repository but you have to run it from the common files even after installation.