AfterEffects 2015 and "Ignore missing plugins"

We’re currently running Deadline 7.2.4, and last week we upgraded the farm to start using After Effects 2015.3 (there was a bug that prevented us from using 2015 before the latest update).
Now we’ve noticed that Deadline seems to be missing warnings about missing plugins.

In AE 2014 the warning looked like this:
STDOUT: INFO:This project contains 16 references to missing effects. Please install the following effects to restore these references. (Particular, Form)
If we didn’t submit with “Ignore missing plugins”, this would throw an error.

In AE 2015 the warning now looks like this:
STDOUT: WARNING:After Effects warning: Grouped_Message_{This project contains references to missing effects. Please install the following effects to restore these references.|||This project contains a reference to a missing effect. Please install the following effect to restore this reference.###@0 missing effects.}Spill Killer
Even when submitted with “Ignore missing plugins” NOT checked, this doesn’t throw an error.

Is this something that is fixed in Deadline 8?
At the moment we have no real need to update, but I suppose if this works properly in the new version, it might be worth doing.



Hello Dave,

Could you send over a full job report for us to look at? This should help us better handle the seeming new format for the error you are seeing.

Hi Dwight,

here are logs from the same job rendered on the same machine in AE CC2014, CC2015.2 and CC2015.3.
Let me know if you need anything else.


Dave (7.28 KB)


Can you grab me a screenshot of your submitter window so we can do our best to replicate the settings the same as you have used? Thanks.

Here you go:


I believe we’ve seen this one once before and sent a patch out to the client. We were waiting on a positive confirmation that we’d fixed it though. That was one of us in support.

I’ll have the dev team take a look and handle this one for you. I believe the problem is how they’ve changed the message reports to have these "Grouped_Message_"s.

That’s for giving us all of this! It’ll help quite a bit.

That’s good to hear, Edwin!
I hope it’s something that can be easily patched.



It should be. I’ll see if we can’t give you a script to test with too. I’ve got this thread marked on the internal dev ticket, so I just need to take note of when the fix notification comes by my desk.

Well, it came across my desk. It just missed service pack 6 by one working day. Here is the raw file. If it doesn’t work, let me know and I’ll try and patch it versus your current version. Make sure you make a backup of “[repo]/plugins/AfterEffects/” before copying this over it. (6.74 KB)

Thanks a lot Edwin!
I’ll try it out today and let you know what happens.



Okay, just tested the same job with CC2014 and CC2015.3, rendered on a slave that didn’t have any of the plugins needed.
The patch works perfectly!

Thanks for the support :smiley:


Glad to hear the patch worked for you! We’ll get this in the next build for everyone else.