Here is one of the log files
there are others for other nodes, but they look the same. do you want them all?
Log Message
0: Task timeout is disabled.
0: Loaded job: High Value 22 try again - PART 2 - COMP (001_070_999_6ba2127e)
0: INFO: StartJob: initializing script plugin AfterEffects
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “WARNING:(After Effects warning: .)" will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "INFO:This project contains .” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “.Error:.” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “aerender ERROR." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “INFO:(The following layer dependencies are missing)” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression "PROGRESS: [0-9]+[:;][0-9][:;][0-9][:;][0-9].” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression “PROGRESS:." will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any stdout that matches the regular expression ".” will be handled as appropriate
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Motion Sketch” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “The Smoother” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Time Controls” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Brush Tips” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “The Wiggler” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “Tracker Controls” will be ignored
0: INFO: Any popup windows with titles matching the regular expression “.After Effects.” will be handled by pressing “OK;Yes”
0: INFO: About: After Effects Plugin for Deadline
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 160-169
0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True
0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True
0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True
0: INFO: Creating New Console: False
0: INFO: Render Executable: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\aerender.exe”
0: INFO: Render Argument: -project “C:\Documents and Settings\1069676-adm\Local Settings\Application Data\Prime Focus\Deadline\slave\jobsData\High Value 22.aep” -comp “PART 2 - COMP” -s 160 -e 169 -output “L:\CONOPS_Visualization\HVSS_2010\03_Post\00_Final_Renders\10_MG_Detect_Deter_Defeat\10_MG_Detect_Deter_Defeat_[#####].png” -mem_usage 100 100 -continueOnMissingFootage
0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files”
0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal
0: INFO: Process is now running
0: STDOUT: aerender version 9.0.2x42
0: WARNING: After Effects warning: Unknown Exception.
0: STDOUT: WARNING:After Effects warning: Unknown Exception.
0: WARNING: After Effects warning: Unknown Exception.
0: STDOUT: WARNING:After Effects warning: Unknown Exception.
0: STDOUT: R6025
0: STDOUT: - pure virtual function call
0: STDOUT: aerender ERROR An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
0: STDOUT: : Unable to receive at line 309
0: STDOUT: aerender version 9.0.2x42
0: STDOUT: 1] aerender renders After Effects comps. The render may be performed either
0: STDOUT: by an already running instance of AE or by a newly invoked instance. By
0: STDOUT: default, aerender will invoke a new instance of AE, even if one is
0: STDOUT: already running. To change this, see the “-reuse” flag below.
0: STDOUT: 2] aerender takes a series of optional arguments.
0: STDOUT: Some are single flags, like “-reuse”. Some come in flag-argument
0: STDOUT: pairs, like “-project project_path”. And one comes in a triplet,
0: STDOUT: -mem_usage image_cache_percent max_mem_percent.
0: STDOUT: 3] aerender with 0 arguments, or with any argument equaling “-help”
0: STDOUT: or “-h”, prints this usage message.
0: STDOUT: 4] The arguments are:
0: STDOUT: “-h” print this usage message
0: STDOUT: “-help” print this usage message
0: STDOUT: “-reuse” use this flag if you want to try and reuse
0: STDOUT: an already running instance of AE to perform the
0: STDOUT: render. By default, aerender will launch a new
0: STDOUT: instance of After Effects, even if one is already
0: STDOUT: running. But, if AE is already running, and the
0: STDOUT: “-reuse” flag is provided, then aerender will
0: STDOUT: ask the already running instance of AE to perform
0: STDOUT: the render. Whenever aerender launches a new
0: STDOUT: instance of AE, it will tell AE to quit when
0: STDOUT: rendering is completed; otherwise, it will not
0: STDOUT: quit AE. Also, the preferences will be written
0: STDOUT: to file upon quit when the “-reuse” flag is
0: STDOUT: specified; otherwise it will not be written.
0: STDOUT: “-project project_path” where project_path is a file path or URI
0: STDOUT: specifying a project file to open.
0: STDOUT: If none is provided, aerender will work with the
0: STDOUT: currently open project.
0: STDOUT: If no project is open and no project is provided,
0: STDOUT: an error will result.
0: STDOUT: “-comp comp_name” where comp_name specifies a comp to be rendered.
0: STDOUT: If the comp is in the render queue already, and
0: STDOUT: in a queueable state, then (only) the first
0: STDOUT: queueable instance of that comp on the render
0: STDOUT: queue will be rendered. If the comp is in the
0: STDOUT: project but not in the render queue, then it will
0: STDOUT: be added to the render queue and rendered.
0: STDOUT: If no -comp argument is provided, aerender will
0: STDOUT: render the entire render queue as is. In this
0: STDOUT: case (no -comp), the only other arguments used
0: STDOUT: will be -project, -log, -v, -mem_usage, and
0: STDOUT: -close; the -RStemplate, -OMtemplate, -output,
0: STDOUT: -s, -e, and -i arguments will be ignored.
0: STDOUT: “-rqindex index_in_render_queue” where index_in_render_queue specifies a
0: STDOUT: render queue item to be rendered. Options that make
0: STDOUT: sense when rendering a single render queue item
0: STDOUT: are available like with the -comp flag.
0: STDOUT: “-RStemplate render_settings_template” where render_settings_template
0: STDOUT: is the name of a template to apply to the render
0: STDOUT: queue item.If the template does not exist it is
0: STDOUT: an error.
0: STDOUT: Default is to use the render template already
0: STDOUT: defined for the item.
0: STDOUT: “-OMtemplate output_module_template” where output_module_template
0: STDOUT: is the name of a template to apply to the
0: STDOUT: output module. If the template does not exist
0: STDOUT: it is an error.
0: STDOUT: Default is to use the template already defined
0: STDOUT: for the output module.
0: STDOUT: “-output output_path” where output_path is a file path or URI
0: STDOUT: specifying the destination render file.
0: STDOUT: Default is the path already in the project file.
0: STDOUT: “-log logfile_path” where logfile_path is a file path or URI
0: STDOUT: specifying the location of the log file.
0: STDOUT: Default is stdout.
0: STDOUT: “-s start_frame” where start_frame is the first frame to render.
0: STDOUT: Default is the start frame in the file.
0: STDOUT: “-e end_frame” where end_frame is the last frame to render.
0: STDOUT: Note, this is “inclusive;” the final frame
0: STDOUT: will be rendered.
0: STDOUT: Default is the end frame in the file.
0: STDOUT: “-i increment” where increment is the number of frames to
0: STDOUT: advance before rendering a new frame. A value
0: STDOUT: of 1 (the default) results in a normal rendering
0: STDOUT: of all frames. Higher increments will repeat the
0: STDOUT: same (frame increment-1) times and then render a
0: STDOUT: new one, starting the cycle again. Higher values
0: STDOUT: result in faster renders but choppier motion.
0: STDOUT: Default is 1.
0: STDOUT: “-mem_usage image_cache_percent max_mem_percent”
0: STDOUT: where image_cache_percent specifies the maximum
0: STDOUT: percent of memory used to cache already rendered
0: STDOUT: images/footage, and max_mem_percent specifies
0: STDOUT: the total percent of memory that can be
0: STDOUT: used by After Effects.
0: STDOUT: “-mp” use this flag to use multiple processes to
0: STDOUT: render multiple frames simultaneously
0: STDOUT: “-v verbose_flag” where verbose_flag specifies the type of
0: STDOUT: messages reported. Possible values are ERRORS
0: STDOUT: (prints only fatal and problem errors) or
0: STDOUT: ERRORS_AND_PROGRESS (prints progress of rendering
0: STDOUT: as well).
0: STDOUT: Default value is ERRORS_AND_PROGRESS.
0: STDOUT: “-close close_flag” where close_flag specifies whether or not to
0: STDOUT: close the project when done rendering, and
0: STDOUT: whether or not to save changes. If close_flag is
0: STDOUT: DO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES, project will be closed
0: STDOUT: without saving changes. If close_flag is
0: STDOUT: SAVE_CHANGES, project will be closed and changes
0: STDOUT: will be saved. If close_flag is DO_NOT_CLOSE the
0: STDOUT: project will be left open; but the project is
0: STDOUT: left open only if using an already-running
0: STDOUT: instance of AE, since new invocations of AE must
0: STDOUT: always close and quit when done.
0: STDOUT: Default value is DO_NOT_SAVE_CHANGES.
0: STDOUT: “-sound sound_flag” where sound_flag specifies whether or not to play
0: STDOUT: a sound when rendering is complete. Possible
0: STDOUT: values are “ON” or “OFF”.
0: STDOUT: Default value is “OFF”.
0: STDOUT: “-version” displays the version number of aerender to the
0: STDOUT: console. Does not render.
0: STDOUT: “-continueOnMissingFootage”
0: STDOUT: Do not stop rendering on missing footage. Log and
0: STDOUT: render with placeholder color bars.
0: STDOUT: To render just Comp 1 to a specified file:
0: STDOUT: aerender -project c:\projects\proj1.aep -comp “Comp 1”
0: STDOUT: -output c:\output\proj1\proj1.avi
0: STDOUT: To render everything in the render queue as is in the project file:
0: STDOUT: aerender -project c:\projects\proj1.aep
0: STDOUT: To render frames 1-10 using multi-machine render:
0: STDOUT: aerender -project c:\projects\proj1.aep -comp “Comp 1” -s 1 -e 10
0: STDOUT: -RStemplate “Multi-Machine Settings”
0: STDOUT: -OMtemplate “Multi-Machine Sequence”
0: STDOUT: -output c:\output\proj1\frames[####].psd
Log Details
Log Date/Time = Feb 22/10 14:15:14
Frames = 160-169
Slave Machine = Ttuc-3d18
Slave Version = v4.0.0.39717 R
Plugin Name = AfterEffects