Again with ideas :)

I am working on implementing a way to control priorities in the Maya submitter.

We have a in-house system to manage priority and send the priority list to the artists. I can easily add that in the submitter by geting the priority list and modifying the controls in the window based on the project set in maya.

The problem I have is the Monitor. Even if I lock the priority in the submitter, a user can cheat and change back the prioty in the monitor.

So to overcome this I thought of a new feature that could be added to Deadline.

A job could have a min and max priority set from the preferences. So the submitter qould use the min/max priority from the repository preferences.

It could be possible to change this min/max per job only accessible via scripting.

So anyone could build a system like we did here to have a better control over priority.

We have been using render manager for years and if we don’t control them and leave it to the users it always end up the same, all priority starts low then they go up, up, up untill you have 100 jobs using priority betwee 95 and 100.

Sylvain Berger | Technical Director | Alpha Vision