AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Age Input node error

Hi, when i use the age input node in magma on a maya particle i get the following error “Error: Krakatoa MY: ERROR : Magma Channel “Age” Not Available in this PRT Object:”. i know age is available because i am driving the rgbPP with a ramp connected to age but i dont know why i get it.

I found a workaround by creating a custom float input and entering the expression: PRTMagma1.InputValue_3_Property2_fValue_Float = frame / getAttr "defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame"; (by setting the render global to latest frame) but i think this may be a bug.

ps. i am using the latest 2.3.0 build

Thank you, I will log it in the Bug list and our developers will take a look ASAP!

same with PRT loader, realflow particels…
the age parameter doesn’t pass to the downstream modifiers … like using Magma then apply texture…

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