Some really strong features in v5.1 so far and I haven’t even sent you my latest plugin creation yet
- Deadline build number #45029 is out of sync with the forum download files which are listed as #45030.
- Maybe its me, but I installed alpha 5 over the top of alpha 4 and my respoitory settings seem to have been lost? ie: there is no python paths in the python settings, repository options section?
- Now that CPython is included, shouldn’t this path automatically be added to the respoitory options? ie: “C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline\python\2.6.7\x64\lib”, etc… x64 vs. x32bit, both? or just one bit build?
- “Submit Draft Job to Deadline”, click on the “Utilities” tab, then click on the “Creat Menu Item” button. Perhaps improve the error message returned?
- monitor, “edit themes”. the GUI looks a bit strange when you open it. Like the “Current Theme” section needs a “GroupBox” around it or something. Maybe its just me?
- Total GHz processing power in the top-right slave list is not correct any more when you start up multiple slaves on 1 machine. The value calculation should take this into account?
- right-click on a slave, remote control. It would be nice to have an additional function to “Start ALL Slaves” on this physical machine. Command should also work for multiple selections.
- Within SMTD, can we add sticky/default settings to all the new Draft settings?
- When I “start new slave with specified name on selected machine”, if I type “mi ke” with quotes but with the space, the subsequent error message needs improving as it states…“The Slave name “” bla bla” which doesn’t help?
- If I have 2 slaves running on 1 machine and set 1 slave to “restart upon current task completion” or “shutdown upon current task completion” what happens to the other slave if it is still rendering when this event occurs?
- Can I run multiple slaves in NT service mode?
- I would like to see some kind of option to control the naming convention of any slave instances, otherwise things are going to get confusing very quickly.
- Would be nice to globally disable slave instances being started up by a “normal” or “power” user.
- monitor - “modify job scheduling” - click on the 2nd radio button (one time only) and click on the “…” button. For me, the calender GUI elment is too small and looks screwed up. ie: can’t see “right” arrow to forward by 1 month.