Alpha 5: Shotgun Event Plugin is currently Disabled

Hey guys,

Looks like a bunch of solid fixes in the latest alpha. I did run across a couple of new issues on OS X…

Trying to submit a job from Nuke and when I click the connect button to launch the Shotgun panel, I get a message saying the Shotgun Event Plugin is current disabled. However… it shows up as enabled in Deadline Monitor. Continuing to submit the job results in the Version being created in Shotgun successfully. I tried toggling the option, restarting Deadmine Monitor

Also, the dropdown menus don’t seem to work in the Shotgun panel. Any time I click on one to see the options, it flickers then immediately closes without giving me a chance to select anything.

Let me know if there’s any debugging info I can provide. Maybe it’s specific to my setup…

We’re aware of the flickering combo box issue, but I’m still not sure what’s causing it. It only happens after a Message Box has been displayed (which, in your case would be right away every time due to your other problem), and only on certain machines. My mac mini has the same problem, but Ryan’s is fine… Which version of OSX/Mono are you running?

As for your other issue, with the Shotgun form complaining about the event plugin being turned off, I wasn’t able to reproduce it here. Can you post your Shotgun.dlinit init file here? It’s located in your Deadline Repository, under the [Repository root]/events/Shotgun folder.


  • Jon

I’m running OS X 10.6.8

05:13:02 > mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version 2.10.2 (tarball Mon Apr 18 09:14:01 MDT 2011)
Copyright © 2002-2011 Novell, Inc and Contributors.
TLS: normal
SIGSEGV: normal
Notification: kqueue
Architecture: x86
Disabled: none
Misc: debugger softdebug
LLVM: yes(2.9svn-mono)
GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC)

Shotgun.dlinit file attached as Shotgun.dlinit.txt (forum doesn’t allow me to upload .dlinit extension files).
Shotgun.dlinit.txt (979 Bytes)


So I edited a value directly in the Shotgun.dlinit file because it was in front of me and resaved the file. When I launched my next job from Nuke, the message about the plugin not being enabled did not appear and the menus work again. Not sure if the the two are related but letting you know.

Weird. I still wasn’t able to replicate this, even by dropping in your config file scratches head.

Since editing the file also made it work for you, makes me wonder if there wasn’t some random garbage character at the end of the enabled line (or maybe it was a windows vs. unix line-ending thing?). Either way, I’ll make a couple small changes to how we read in the SG settings for this. Hopefully the added robustness will keep this from happening again.


  • Jon