Android mobil app

we have the pulse service running but the android app won´t show anything… We have trying it with a wifi connection, but the app returns:
An error occurred while parsing the data returned from Pulse: At line 1, column0: syntax error.

Is the app not working via wifi? Has anybody successfully running the app?


Which version of Deadline Pulse are you running? You can check the version number by selecting Help → About Deadline Pulse.

Also, try running this URL from a web browser (where SERVER is your Pulse server machine):


You should get some basic XML back, like this:

We’ve tested the Android app quite a bit over Wifi, so it’s definitely not that.


  • Ryan

we are using Pulse

After using the SERVER:8080/Mobile_GetJobList?plist=no, I got this. See attached file
Mobile_GetJobList.txt (14.7 KB)

Wow, that doesn’t look right at all. :slight_smile:

Did you guys upgrade from a previous version of Deadline, or was 5.0 a “clean” installation?

Also, can you go to \your\repository\scripts\Pulse, zip up, and post it? I just want to check if there is anything corrupted in this file.


  • Ryan

It is a clean and fresh installation, attached all pulse scripts. (6.68 KB)

Hmm, everything looks good there. This is quite strange. Maybe try restarting Pulse to see if that helps…

we have reastart the deadline pc many times, also the pulse. no change…
It is running on a windows server 2003.


Is anything else using the Pulse web service, or is it just a single Android device at the moment?

Sorry for all the questions. This is just a new problem that we’re seeing, and we’re just trying to figure out what could be causing it.

I´m happy about your questions Ryan. Because it would be really nice to have that feature :wink:
We tested it with my personal android device only. No other device involved.
It is a Motorola defy.


Thanks for confirming. The next place to check is the Pulse log. From Pulse, select Help -> Explore Log Folder, and send us the last few Deadline Pulse logs from that folder. We’ll take a look to see if anything in the logs can help explain the problem.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,
attached some log files.

Tia, joschy3d
deadlinepulse(Deadline).zip (5.1 KB)

Thanks for logs. It appears that something else IS communicating with the web service:

2011-07-27 12:00:43: Web Service - Executing GetFarmStatistics command…
2011-07-27 12:12:57: Web Service - Executing GetSlaveNames command…

I’m wondering if the multiple commands are interfering with each other, since the output you posted from Mobile_GetJobList appeared to contain output that would normally have come from GetFarmStatistics. If this is the case, then this is definitely a bug, and is something we’ll try to address for the next release.

…good to know. If you need further data let me know.
Successfully bug hunting :wink:

tia, joschy3d