AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Animated texture and Stoke


i just want to emit from a plane that has an animated noise texture (black white). Actually i want stoke to emit the rate of particles from that grayscale values of the plane, but since there is no option for emitting by grayscale, i need a work aroud which is pretty work intense.

1.I need to sim stoke with the textured (animated) plane, i checked texture channel, and delete particles after 1 frame.
2.load the result into a prt_loader and save the particles via krakatoa.
3.then i need to create a new stoke with the krakatoa saved prt sequence as emitter but this time i let the particles live as long i want
4.then i need to create a magma that is deleting the white colored partices

maybe i made it too complicated and there is some other way around?

cheers Cruzifer

i found another workaround wich made it very easy:

i tesslated the plane very high and used a modifier with that animated texture. in stoke i checked vertex soft selection.

cheers Cruzifer

Simpler workaround:

*Create a Krakatoa PRT Surface object
*Pick the mesh as the Source
*Drop a Vol.Select, set to Vertex mode, pick the Texture.
*Add a Krakatoa Delete modifier, set to Soft-Selection + ID Channel.

Particles will be deleted according to the “whiteness” of the particle. Particles with white will go, particles that are 50% gray will have a 50% chance to be deleted, black particles will stay.

Advanced workflow:
*Use Magma InputTexture to read the Mono color of the texture and a Logical Greater operator to produce a Boolean output into Selection.
*Use a Float value into the second slot of the Greater operator to define the Threshold between black and white in the gray area between them. To make it easier to adjust quickly, Divide the InputValue Float by 100.0 so you can adjust between 0.0 and 100.0 instead of 0.0 to 1.0.
*Add a Krakatoa Delete above the Magma, keep it set to “Selection Greater Than Zero”

Then use the PRT Surface as the Stoke Emitter…
Note that the PRT Surface will acquire any UV coordinates from the mesh, so the points should be mappable as if they were an actual surface.

thank you for another workaround :slight_smile:

edit: tested your way but it seems to be very slow to simulate also when i only use few prt_surfsace particles. nevertheless thank for your reply. i also learned something new - i havnt known of the existence of the prt_surface yet :stuck_out_tongue:

but will there be an emit by grayscale or texture in future releases?

It is logged as a Wish, but since we had at least 3 workarounds(as you can see), and some of them (the Magma approach) provided advanced control we could not achieve with a simple built in feature, we felt it was lower priority than, say, adding all the Stoke 2 Field stuff :smiling_imp:

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