Another Monitor Display Issue

The display in the deadline monitor didn’t seem to update correctly.
We closed one of the slave(PC02), but it was still showing in the task.
It didn’t change even when i closed and opened the monitor, it displayed the same on another monitor.
Deadline Monitor (1.19 KB)

When the slave closes, the last thing it tries to do is write to the database that it is Offline. I’m guessing what happened here was that when PC02 was closed, it failed to update the database.

When you closed the slave on PC02, did you kill it, or did it close gracefully? Are you able to send us the slave log from this machine from the time that you closed it? We can check the log to see if it closed gracefully or not.

When the slave fails to mark itself as Offline, it will eventually be detected as stalled and the display will be updated as appropriate. However, the default stalled detection is after 10 minutes of inactivity, so the slave won’t be marked as stalled right away.


  • Ryan

Hmm, can’t remember if it was closed gracefully or not, but most probably gracefully.
I’ve attached the log (slave). (1.27 MB)

Thanks! All those logs show the slave closing gracefully, so that doesn’t appear to be the problem.

If you see this happen again, can you try restarting the Monitor to see if the slave’s state is updated? This will help us determine if it’s a Monitor display issue, or an issue with the slave reporting it’s offline properly.


  • Ryan

When we first got this issue, i closed the monitor and reopen it again(if this is what you mean by restarting the monitor), and it was still there, I think but I’m not sure that it only got fixed when a new slave was available to render this weird task(It seems the monitor knew that it was requeued but wasn’t displaying correctly).
If you look correctly in the previous image you can see that down-there the slave was showing correctly(PC02 was offline) but the task was showing in the progress bar “rendering”(for PC02).