Any News?

I know that the bermuda beta is over and that Thinkbox was probably very busy with the latest releases of their other products, but the latest news about barmuda now almost a year old and just out of curiosity i wanted to ask if the project is still alive.

the project isn’t ‘dead’ - it just became on ‘hold’ because we didn’t believe bermuda met our internal expectations of a final product. we felt that we either had to advance the state of the art significantly and specifically to water surface/deep ocean generation , or we had to make the tool more general purpose and handle more than just ocean surfaces.

that being said, if you require the current incarnation for something we can certainly cut a license - and if you have a list of needs or requests we would be happy to review them.


Indeed bermudas adaptive mesh can be used for a lot of things, i also tried some landscape test with it and it didn’t look that bad. On the other hand personally i would be glad about an really really! advanced ocean genaration plugin with object interaction, shore waves, breaking waves and all the other cool stuff the people have suggested in this forum, simply because things like these are fairly hard to create.

As for your offer with the licence, i sent you a mail, did you recive it?

i saw a notification, but when i went there the mail was gone. go ahead and send it directly to me: