Any way to easily total up task hours per slave/project?

Good afternoon,

What I mean is not total wall clock running time for a project, but rather how many rendering hours were preformed within that time.

For simple example:

I render 100 frames @ 1 min/frame.

If I distribute that across 10 slaves, my clock running time is going to be ~10 min.

But I want the total for the task, i.e. the 100 min. figure.

Obviously, in this example, we knew the answer before we started, for simplicity’s sake. But unless I’m missing something, it’s not super easy to tally up these figures. Really I’m just looking for a sum of the individual task times for a project or slave. Is this reported anywhere or accessible easily without manually adding them?


You’ll want the ultra-secret Job Details panel:

Make one in the ‘view’ menu and dock is somewhere handy. I think I’m going to push for us to make that part of the default layout.

Hey, perfect! Thank you for the tip. I’m sure there’s still quite a bit that’s still “ultra-secret” to me, as I find something new just about daily that helps me out.

In this, case, beyond just docking this panel, I think I’ll probably need to spend a little more time digging through panels and seeing what I can find.


I’d love if these types of stats could be displayed per job group (or whatever the correct term is). When I submit a job from Maya, and there’s the main job that contains all the separate render layers as separate jobs…

I would like for the tasks panel and this jobs details panel, the graphc, etc., to display info about the overall “master job,” i.e. in this case,
Total Task Time = 29:00:30
10 jobs ranging from 38 min to 6.6 hours each.

The way I think of it, a render job has always been a single render job. The separate jobs that it gets broken up into are fine and convenient and helpful, but they’re a construct of Deadline…so it would still be helpful to be able to see stats for a job “as a whole” the way I’ve always thought about it. At the end of the day, I’m going to be adding all this stuff up anyway for planning and budgeting purposes.

Thanks again for the help!