It seems that every time you install Krakatoa we need to stop and start the license server. This may seem minor however due to the fact that our sinc program seems to kill my krakatoa install, I am constantly having to ask IT to restart the service. Wondering if this is to be expected or if it is a bug that every new install of Krakatoa requires you to restart the license service.
It seems that every time you install Krakatoa we need to stop and start
the license server. <<
Once we get out of beta, this won’t be an issue.
The installer wants to remove all components before installing a new
version, so files in the \Program Files\Frantic Films\Krakatoa\etc folder
would need to be stopped and also reinstalled. The files in use for the
license server are lmgrd.exe and frantic.exe.
For many shops, the license server is running on another non-workstation
computer, so you would never encounter this.
It would be safe for you to copy the contents of this folder to a separate
subdirectory and run the license service from that new location. In this
way, uninstall/reinstall cycles would never impact your running license
Final note, if you are running FlexLM services for other applications, like
3ds Max or Deadline, you can often run the services from a common location
and shared license file. All that we require in that case is the vendor
daemon, frantic.exe, to be in the same subdirectory.
We run Deadline, which is pretty much a must have for Krakatoa (excellent business plan, Frantic!). The license server is on our license server, and we’ve not had any issues with it.
- Chad