Arnold BYOL licensing


I’d like to use my existing Arnold licenses for cloud rendering (BYOL) instead of the UBL licenses.

  1. The first problem I hit was as seen on the screenshot. I don’t have the option to add a new Arnold license server in Deadline 10. What am I missing here?

  2. How can I achieve seamless transition from UBL to BYOL licensing. Is there a way to run these in hybrid mode until I make sure the BYOL-s are working correctly, or are these methods exclusionary?

Thanks for the answers in advance!


Deadline doesn’t have a pre-set for Arnold, but you can use the Redshift option and modify to your environment. I think the only difference between the "Is this a License Server" option is that you can specify a ISV port. If you don’t need to specify that, you can just use the General Server Settings option (by unchecking “Is this a License Server”)

Things to check:

  • If you are running the daemon(s) on specified ports, check that your security group has those ports listed.

  • If you are running license server daemon on a specified port, set the correct port@GW_IP for the arnold license environment variable


Found out, that I was reading 10.2 documentation, while having 10.1 installed. Out of the box Arnold support came in with 10.2. That’s why it was missing from my Monitor.

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