Arnold stand-ins encountering double pathmapping

Hello, I’m having some trouble with arnold stand-ins on our render farm. Some context on our farm; the farm uses pathmapping through a user directory. Students use client machines to work and submit to the render farm. The pathmapping inserts their username at the start of the filepath so that the farm may find the location on the network. For example, students would see R:/myproject/scenes, but the farm needs R:/user/myproject/scenes to actually access the files. This has been working fine until a student wanted to use standins.

As far as I can tell, the .ass files and textures associated with them get pathmapped twice, so instead of the expected R:/user/project/file, its R:/user/user/project/file. See attached logs for full details. (7.3 KB)

Our current work around is to turn off pathmapping for those jobs and manually type in the network file path for the project and output.

This thread is the only other topic I can find that is close to what I’m encountering, but I’m unsure if it holds the answer.
