Artifacts From Frost

Hey everyone,
Just got a copy of frost to handle meshing a slow realflow sim and I’m getting some artifacts. Anyone know a way to minimize these effects?

Could you please try adding a Relax modifier above Frost?

I could try, but the poly count is SOOOO high, I don’t think it does that much.

Relax is pretty fast, just try it and see if it removes the problems.

Hey- that did seems to do the trick!

Good to hear!

Just wanted to note that Frost does not have a built-in relax functionality like some other meshing solutions out there. We feel the built-in Relax modifier in Max does a very good job and is more versatile - you can apply it selectively to sub-selections for example, or stack multiple relax modifiers as needed.
So it is part of the general Frost workflow…