
Hey Guys, I am getting some black splotches on my render when I slap a KCM on this. Anybody else seen this before. Picture attached.

Looks like it was my draw point filter was set to bilnear instead of nearest.

You SOULD be using at least Bilinear, Nearest is not a good idea in most cases.

If you used a KCM, it is possible that some of the data produced by it was invalid (e.g. division by zero producing infinite values, or something similar causing bad output).
Can we see what the MagmaFlow looked like? Also, after you render and roll-over these pixels with the right-mouse button pressed, what are the RGB and Alpha values? Negative Infinity or Positive Infinity or something like that?

When I mouse over those pixels they are infinite.

Please post a screenshot or the actual MagmaScript that created the bad values. I suspect there was some division by zero involved…