In the deadline monitor, I was thinking you could have a drop-down menu entry (monitor scripts…?) to allow artists to auto-install a particular software’s client setup submission script into the correct location from the deadline repository, thereby helping an artist get the submission script in place and working for a particular version of software, without requiring TD / IT support to get going. The scripts could be python based and query using the registry/other locator variable, the install path location and corresponding correct directory and possibly any cfg/ini file that would need altering/updating. I have noticed that the initial submission scripts setup is a bit tech’ tricky, but once in place, an artist gets up and running fine with the ‘actual submitting bit’…so the question is, how can this be made easier and more seamless?
Just another idea!
Hey Mike,
This is an idea we’ve tossed around for a while. We had a utility a while back (pre-2.0) that attempted to do this, but there were all sorts of problems with it. Making it a script might be the better way to go. We’ve put this on the wish list.
- Ryan