AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

auto config conflicting with deadline6?

We have found that some of our deadline6 slaves were trying to use the deadline7 repository. Is it possible that auto configuration of deadline7 might be picked up somehow by deadline6?

We set a different default auto-config port for Deadline 7, but you can check the system deadline.ini for Deadline 7 on the slaves that are pointing to wrong repo to see if they match Deadline 6: … rationport


Something really odd is going on on these machines, … we also noticed that whichever machine this happens on is unable to run deadline6 and deadline7 launchers parallel. We need to explicitly shut down the deadline7 launcher to be able to run the d6 launcher. Ill check the port configs asap

If both launchers can’t run, they might be trying to use the same port as well. You’ll be able to see that in the deadline.ini files as well.


Yeah, the deadline6 ini had all the wrong information in it… The ports of deadline7 basically for everything. Really odd? How can this happen?

Not sure, to be honest. Maybe the D6 install was accidentally pointed towards the D7 repository at some point?

Well its all done via a simple deployment tool, which is uniform on every machine. Really weird. We did notice that these machines had multiple repositories listed in their ini file, some of them a variation of the d7 repository. So if at any point they had network connectivity issues, they might have fallen back to the other repo? But how that even got there in the first place,is a good question.

Happened to random artists (who have no clue what the repository even is, so wouldn’t just manually type in a new path), and even Jon (our lead wrangler) who is very familiar with our setup. Odd.

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