auto-delete slave

hi ryan,

we run into a new problem just recently and cannot figure out why it happend:

after the next day, the monitor/repository seems to “forget” our slaves.

after we start a slave manually it reappears in the monitor but without any pools/settings/etc…

after checking the log/hostory, it said:
Feb 14/09 21:57:00 renderknecht RK05: auto-deleted slave “Rk02”
Feb 14/09 21:57:00 renderknecht RK05: auto-deleted slave “Rk03”
Feb 14/09 23:28:52 renderknecht RK05: auto-deleted slave “Om4”
Feb 15/09 22:04:30 renderknecht RK05: auto-deleted slave “Om6”

quite strange as this is something we haven´t had before and i cannot recall changing anything.
any advice?

thank you

In the Repository Options, check the Days To Keep Offline/Stalled Slaves: setting under the Slave settings. If it’s not set to 0, then the feature is enabled, and would likely explain your problem.


  • Ryan

Hi Ryan,

that seemed to do the trick, it was set to 1!

Thank you,
