Auto Re-Queue Tasks for more Urgent ones.


I have a question or suggestion for the future release of Deadline.

Is it possible for a consuming job (like >45min , per tasks) to be accepting an Auto-Requeue one (or as needed) of his tasks for a more higher prioritary job?

Patrick Piché

3D TD at Hybride

Hi Patrick,

We have purposely avoided implementing such a feature in the past for a

few reasons:

First, it’s already build into the Deadline system that when a job with

higher priority comes along, the slave will work on that job AFTER it

finishes its current task.

Second, and most importantly, requeuing tasks like this when higher

priority jobs comes along would result in a lot of wasted render time.

In your example, 45 minutes of rendering time would be wasted just for

that one slave alone (just imagine if 20 slaves had been working on that

job for 45 minutes each).


Yes, it's true. It will be a lost of RenderTime. But the new Job need to be delivered before the time the other tasks (plus the new tasks time) are finished.

If it's not done Automaticly, it will be done by someone anyway.

Patrick Piché
3D TD at Hybride

Any job that urgent will be monitored, and you will then either requeue or suspend lower priorty jobs manually.