AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

Automatic upgrade

Hello !

Is automatic upgrade supposed to work ?

I’ve upgrade my repository, from beta to and no one of my workstation/rendernode made the upgrade. (1h later installation)
I’ve try to install manually on my workstation, and working fine…

Windows systems, could be firewall issue ?


We had to make a few breaking changes in the last few beta builds (.44) as per our release notes:

So, a re-install of the Deadline client software will resolve your issue and hopefully, that should be the last time we need to do this during this beta cycle.
(Obviously, we won’t make a breaking change like this in the final release!) :slight_smile:

Ok ! no problems, just to be sure that i missed something.
Hopefully i didn’t install too munch node at the moment , i can try batch installation now ! ^^

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