Somehow I have some issues to get the launcher to start automatically without using it as a service.
I simply make a shortcut and place it in the Startup folder on win7 pro (64bits) but the application doesn’t start up at all…
If I check it in the msconfig it’s listed, if I click it manually from the startup folder it works, but just not after a reboot.
Somehow I have this with 8 out of 10 machines.
Coincidently those 8 machines also had 2 instances of DL6 installed
One in the default installation folder, the other in my preferred custom folder (c:\software instead of program files)
I suspect the double copy came there due to having the auto-update on with the slaves… but that’s only a guess at this point as both copies have been removed.
I tried installing DL7 on the default location and on the preferred location, but in both cases it doesn’t want to auto-run the launcher.
anything else i can do/check?
just tried it as scheduled task and got a 0x800704DD back as error code.
Which would indicated it doesn’t have administration rights.
the only way I can get it starting if I launch deadline ~15 seconds after startup…
no idea how this came to happen… but now it works…