AWS Thinkbox Discussion Forums

AWS Portal: Could not connect to the RCS

Hello everyone!

Unfortunately I am running into another issue with AWS Portal.
Once my infrastructure is up, it can not connect to the RCS.

Fri Jul 12 06:08:02 UTC 2024 -- Gateway configured to connect to RCS via HTTPS with SSL verification disabled. Following the [documentation]( I am getting this:
Fri Jul 12 06:08:02 UTC 2024 -- Could not connect to the RCS. Connection response: '<html><head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head><body bgcolor="white"><center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center><hr><center>nginx/1.12.2</center></body></html>'

I tried specifying the hostname for SSL verification but that did not help.
I see the RCS in the Connection Servers View and it shows the right address and listening port: (TLS).

Based on this Troubleshooting Guide I have:

  1. Ensured that the right Public IP Address s in the Gateway Security Group and that outgoing port 22 is open. I can successfully ssh into the Gateway machine which should show that this is not the issue?
  2. Ensured that I have not set any AWS Portal Link IP Address Override.
  3. Set the Certificate and tried with and without specifying a hostname. (If the certificate was wrong, AWS Portal would have given me an error.)
  4. Ensured that I have nothing set in the Auto Configuration Settings.

What I would like to know is, how does the Gateway machine attempt to communicate with the RCS? How can I get more information than just: “Bad Gateway” from the Infrastructure? How can I manually debug this?

Thank you to everyone who has a hint!

Show us the command that started RCS (you can see it in ps output on linux, task manager on windows)
It should look something like this:
/opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/bin/deadlinercs.exe --ip --tls_cacert /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/certs/ca.crt --tls_cert /opt/Thinkbox/Deadline10/certs/BottleshipVFX.pfx --tls_auth --tls_port 4433

Also in the RCS output, do you see the failing connection generating any output?

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Hi Mois

Thank you for your feedback, your question made me double check how I was starting the RCS and i noticed I had overwritten the deadline.ini file that defined those starting parameters.
Once I fixed that, everything worked as expected.

Sorry for the false alarm :slight_smile:

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