AWS Portal Setup - Error on Infrastructure Launch


I’m following along with the AWS setup videos to get Deadline rendering with EC2.

I’ve setup the AWS user and logged into the AWS Portal in Deadline. Remote connection server is running and is picked up in the AWS Portal Settings Basic tab.

All the details look correct, but when I try to launch the infrastructure, I get the attached error.


I’ve had a look on the asset server and tried to run ssh_key_gen but it just gives me an error:

os.chmod(filepath, 0600) ^ SyntaxError: invalid token

I didn’t see anything about generating this key in the tutorials (and it already has a dashkey file in the AWSPortalLink folder.)

Any ideas what I have missed?


Figured it out :slight_smile:


It didn’t have a region set on the RCS machine, changed it to the correct one and it works now.

Really?! If you have a chance, could you take a look at some of the Monitor logs from when that error came up? Those problems seem unrelated and I want to make sure that error is making sense.