AWSPortalLink installation failure

Hi there,
I’m trying to set up the AWS cloud system on deadline 10, but getting the asset server up and running is proving tricky.

Our repo is on a UNC path; ‘\pixstor\data\vfx\sys\dealine10’ I assume that’s fine?
I’m running the installer on Windows 7 professional.

I’ve checked the endpoints and I can access them all no problem.
I’ve also followed the instructions with and without IP restrictions and neither setups work.

The problem occurs at the end of installing the AWSPortalLink; I get a “Failed to run DeadlineCommand.” error.

Running the failed command manually returns the following :
C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin>“C:\Program Files\Thinkbox\Deadline10\bin/DeadlineCommand.exe” RunAWSPortalS3Setup eu-west-2
Please enter your AWS Access Key ID:
Please enter your AWS Secret Access Key:
Error: Could not complete AWS Portal Setup because The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden… Current Status: Could not serialize sstauts.etup status. (m)

Any ideas where I might have gone wrong during the setup ? The path it’s unable to serialize looks malformed (‘sstauts.etup’) Is that the problem?

Many thanks

That path is just a typo of a manually entered file name, so that’s okay.

What version are you installing? The AWS Portal gets a fair amount of updates fairly regularly, so it’s best to be on the latest service pack before going forward. “Forbidden” makes me think you may have followed an older set of docs that were missing a parameter in the IAM role creation. Here’s the latest and greatest: … licy-setup

Thanks Edwin,
Unfortunately, that is the same config that I used (assuming the version number at the top is indicative of the specific json version I used)
In any case, I replaced my policy with the one linked but the problem remains.

I assume the forbidden error is no indication of a firewall issue on our side? It points to an authentication issue at the AWS end of things?
Are there any other debug tools I can try to find out more about the error? How can I test my credentials outside of the portal setup deadlinecommand command?

Hey Patrick,

This error usually pops up due to access/permission issues. Here are a couple things it could be…

  1. Billing is not setup on your AWS account so you cannot get API access.
  2. The IAM policy is out of date or the option for ip restriction is not setup properly.
  3. In the local network required endpoints are blocked outbound. Look HERE.
  4. Using two different AWS account with AWS Portal. Left over configurations from the first setup can cause issues. There is a button in AWS Portal Panel > Settings > Advanced > Remove Orphaned AWS Entities that can cleanup previous configurations.

One way to troubleshoot this is to download the aws cli on that machine. Follow the configuration and test running some commands to see if you are hitting any issues.

