B10 on OSX

Hi, just upgraded from v7 to v10 and having issues.

I just ran installers (rather than uninstalling first) which I think should be ok? I’ve restarted repository machine and slave several times.

Errors all seem to be pointing to an issue with the database but not sure what to do to resolve it. I’m having problems with submitting AE and Maya jobs which relate to something to do with the groups input box in the submission gui. Same error for both AE and Maya.

Not sure if it’s related but if I fire up Pulse I’m getting lots of messages from that as well which indicate it’s not very happy.

Screen shots attached to explain more.

Repository - iMac OSX Server 10.6.8
Client - MacPro OSX 10.8.2

Screen Shot 2013-01-29 at 17.16.01.png

And I’ve updated submission scripts for both AE and Maya (which seem to be updated since v7?)

Hey Chris,

I’m pretty sure this issue is related to the updated MongoDB driver we’re shipping with the newest beta version (beta 10). I’ll try to see if I can find a workaround for you until we can get this fixed in the next version.


  • Jon

Hi Jon, is it worth me trying an uninstall and then reinstall on the repository to fix this? Seems others on this forum using OSX have things working.
If not, could you give me an eta on a workaround? We had B7 working well here so had moved some artists over to that for production. Don’t really want to go through downgrading everybody again if I can avoid it.


Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that can be done about this other than upgrade to beta 11 when it is released. We’re planning on building it this afternoon, so as long as there aren’t any issues, we should be able to roll it out by tomorrow at the latest.


  • Ryan

Beta 11 is now available: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=8913

Please read the release notes, as there is still a bug affecting the saving of the pools and groups. It is not a critical bug like the one in beta 10 though, and it will be fixed in beta 12.

B11 seems to have fixed it well enough for me. Thanks.