Bake FieldTexMap

Is there anyway to bake the texture generated by the FieldTexMap? For instance, a wetmap. Reason I ask is it would be great to take the sequence and apply some blur or post corrections in a compositing package. Thanks!

Maybe I misunderstand but can’t you just render out to texture? Since it behaves like any other 3D procedural this should work.

I tried that but the result was black… unless I was doing something wrong.

I’ll give it a try and see what happens on my side.

It works for me, but I don’t know what your steps were.

Here is what I tried:

  • I created a plane with 140x140 units size.
  • I made a Stoke Field Magma object from it, producing a grid surrounding the plane.
  • I set the flow of the Stoke Field Magma to Position -> Vector Magnitude -> Divide by 100.0 -> Subtract from 1.0 -> Density. This created a circular gradient with white at 0,0,0 and radius of 100.0, falling off to black outside.
  • I then made a Field Texmap using this Stoke Field Magma, selected the Density as the source channel.
  • I opened the Render To Texture dialog for the plane, created a DiffuseMap element, assigned it to Diffuse Color target map slot. I set it to use the existing Mapping Channel 1.
  • I hit Render and got a new Shell Material with the baked material set for Viewport, with a baked texture showing the correct gradient in the viewport as the Diffuse Map of a new Standard Material.

So the baking works just like for any other 3D procedural map, like Tobbe suggested. Not sure what would be wrong in your case - can you try the above simple test to confirm basic baking works for you before looking deeper?

Note that the Field Texmap needs to see a workstation license when running in network mode (on Backburner, Deadline etc.) - the license will not be used up, but it must be visible. So either a node-locked Stoke license, or a floating Stoke license must be accessible from the machine doing the baking.

Thanks bobo, I’ll try it again later tonight. Ive not too familiar with using Render to Texture… it’s possible there is an error on my part.

Aw yes, I figured out the problem. The geometry (a complex terrain object) did not have any UV’s :laughing: Now it is baking correctly, thanks!