Basic TP Scene == Unknown System Exception


Krakatoa v0.9.15.27718

Max 8 SP3


This is just a simple TP scene with a Position Born operator and the default Krak render settings.

When we hit Krak’s Quick Render button it appears to stall on “Retrieving the Particles” and an Unknown System Exception occurs and Max crashes.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. create a TP system
  2. add TP Position Born generator
  3. set Krak as renderer with default settings
  4. hit Krak’s Quick Render button


    Unknown System Exception & Max crash

    I had heard the TP integration was still in dev… hopefully it hasn’t been abandoned! :wink:


Thanks Joe,

We will investigate on Monday - it is very possible that we have broken TP support without noticing, since we don’t use TP in production at the moment. That’s where beta testers come in and help us discover problems like this…

We do have plans for improving TP support in a point release, right now we are trying to stop the feature creep in 1.0 (but as mentioned elsewhere, we needed certain features for our movie work and had to destabilize the current beta once again to add them). It will pay off in the long run.

gotcha - thanks, Bobo

hopefully at least basic TP support will work.


i still think that its important to have at Minimum Tp group Support for the release ( whenever that is) …

I know Chris harvey also thinks that so i m not alone !