Batch submit several After Effects comps

Hi render gods,

I have 55 after comps i need to render, each with 4 separate rendering going on. I need to get them all on the farm. Usually I would just import all of the files into one AE project and let deadline submit all of their outputs that way. Unfortunately the size of each of these files prevents that from being an option. Basically when i import all of the files the file gets so big it takes an eternity to open.

So my plea to you is a method to submit several .aep files all using default (from comp) render settings, in one fell swoop. Please let me know what offerings you require.


Hello Bruce,

First, let me apologize for how long it has taken to get you a reply on this post. I am also going to email you this reply personally so as to ensure you see the answer.

I think the best option here would be modifying a script one of my coworkers made for another customer. Basically what it does is watch a folder and look for files, then submits them to Deadline based on the parameters. This can be found at … atchfolder if you want to take a look. Now, this was written to submit Draft jobs, but could be altered a bit to do a AE job, though some values would be hard to read in without access to the info we can only get from within AE. Do you know any python that you can use to edit this? Let me know and we will help as best we can.